Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Glad child Beverage Cans Very Potential Obesity!

Not only adults, the problem of obesity in children can also occur. As expressed by dr. Ani Sri Sukmaniah MSc, SpGK, Physician Nutrition Specialist Clinic Department of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in the seminar with the media about the benefits of fasting and Pattern Balanced Nutrition Drink AQUA242 held at Harum Manis, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (3/6).

"Parents should start to introduce to the children about the benefits of drinking mineral water from an early age, for example, when you wake up and go to sleep minimum of one full cup. We must also equally observed prevalence of obesity in children, "said dr. Ani.

One health focus on the problem of obesity in children is related to the high-calorie beverage cans are often found in a variety of flavors that many in the market. In addition to containing preservatives and dyes, such beverages high in calories even exceed other types of beverages, such as carbonated beverages.

"Calorie for children should come from food alone, imagine one can of soda contains 200 to 220 calories a direct impact on the problem of obesity," he explained.

Furthermore, according to dr. Ani, if children have been introduced by all the unhealthy food intake and calorie ringgi early, it will be more difficult to stop and set up the habits. He also presented a number of causes of obesity in children is very complex, such as genetic factors, biological, behavioral and cultural.

Basically, obesity in children occur when children eat more calories than the calories burned by the body is capable of. The reason, less than 1 percent of the problem of obesity is caused by physical problems.

Other triggers are also linked by the amount of sleep a child who may be equally important. Based on a study in the Archives of Disease in Childhood, the researchers found that children who sleep less than the recommended amount at the age of two years are more likely to be obese at age 7 years ahead.

"Parents are the first pioneers for children accustomed to eating calories fitting. If it has already occurred then the first thing that must be done is to change the diet through the program, increase physical activity, do not give food as gifts, "he advised.

Ridho Nugroho
PHOTO: Weightlossfactor
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