Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Recognize Cow Milk Allergy Symptoms Early

Platinumday - Many are mistaken about the difference cow's milk allergy with lactose intolerance. Allergy is a reaction of the body's defense system against factor (protein fraction) contained in milk.

While intolerance is non-allergic reactions are caused by a lack of lactase (the enzyme that digests lactose duty, a type of sugar in milk), so that the handling of the two were different.Some 54% of allergic reactions caused by IgE antibody response against the protein fractions contained in milk and 46% are caused by non-IgE reaction. Allergy is more common in children.Research published by the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition showed cure rates of allergies in children at the age of 1 year is 56%, then 77% at 2 years, 87% at 3 years, 92% at 5 and 10 years of age , and 97% at age 15 years.The child may experience symptoms of milk allergy immediately after taking them (quick reaction) and some other new symptoms appear after a few hours or a few days after the consumption of milk (slow reaction).

 Cow's milk allergy symptoms usually appear diverse, but there are three common symptoms appear. Among others are:

     Symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract is the most common symptom (50-80%),
     Followed by skin symptoms (20-40%), and
     Respiratory tract (4-25%).

Symptoms of rapid reaction to cow's milk allergy appear within minutes or hours after eating cow's milk and is generally caused by IgE antibody responses to milk protein. Symptoms include:

- Stomach ache

- Nausea

- Vomiting

- Shortness of breath or wheezing

- Rash, swelling, itching of the skin

- Diarrhea

Slow reaction to cow's milk allergy is generally caused by IgE antibody response to non hypersensitivity and takes place in a matter of hours or days after consumption of milk. Symptoms include:

- Weight loss

- Stunted growth

- Skin rashes like eczema

- Refusing to eat

- Diarrhea

- Colic belly

- Easily angry and cranky

Children who have cow's milk allergy involves IgE antibodies have a substantial risk of developing allergies to the environment (pollutants, dust, and other).

If your child is allergic to cow's milk, your child should avoid all foods that are made from cow's milk such as cheese, crackers, milk, butter, yogurt, and so on. As an alternative, you can give him soy milk, rice milk, and other vegetable milk to meet the nutritional

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