Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Which One is More Cool? DC vs. Marvel

Platinumday - For moviegoers, especially lovers of film box office, certainly ngeh if there is some sort of 'enmity' between the two world's largest comics publisher, DC and Marvel. Since the success of Batman and Spider-Man, the two publishers aggressively issuing Superhero-themed films. Most were taken from the stock characters they have.

Initially, DC so dominate. Two character has been successful for a long time. Superman and Batman. Marvel trouble though finally managed to pass the Fantastic Four and the X-Men. However, everything changed when Marvel released the successful Iron Man weight and then followed by the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The community began to know more about Captain America, Thor and others.

Healthy competition between these two comics publisher a good impact for the audience because they certainly promise an exciting story with astonishing special effects.

we are curious anyway, if according to you, where the hell is cooler? DC or Marvel?

Are you
DC Team?
Or are you MARVEL Team?

Let's immediately wrote comparison, let you can select which one:

1. Films Success Revenues?


2 films in the top 10. The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises.

8 films in the top 10. The Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Iron-Man 3, Spider-man, Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man 3, Iron Man.

Scores? DC 0vs  Marvel 1

2. Films The Hailed?


4 films in the top 10. The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, Batman Begins, V For

4 films in the top 10. The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Men: Days of Future Past, Avengers: Age of Ultron

Scores? DC 1vs Marvel 2
Data: IMDB (With a minimum of 3000 votes)

3. New TV Series Success


3 Serial. Gotham, Arrow, The Flash.


3 Serial. Marvel's Agent Carter, Marvel's Agents of SHIELD And Daredevil.

Scores? DC 2 vs Marvel 3 

4. Most Famous Characters?


3 of the top 10. Batman, Superman, Justice League


7 of the top 10. Thor, Iron Man, The Avengers, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Captain America, Deadpool.

Scores? DC 2 vs Marvel 4 

5. Future?

10 Film. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, Justice League Part One, The Flash, Aquaman, Shazam, Justice League Part Two, Cyborg, Green Lantern


17 Film. Ant-Man, Fantastic Four, Deadpool, Captain America: Civil War, X-Men: Apocalypse, Gambit, Doctor Strange, Untitled Wolverine movie, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, sequel Fantastic Four Untitled, Untitled Spider-Man films, Thor: Ragnarok , Avengers: Infinity War Part 1, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Avengers: Infinity War Part 2, Inhumans

Scores? DC 2 vs Marvel 5
6. Most Famous Criminals In Movies?


4 Criminals of 10 Large: Joker, Lex Luthor, Penguin, General Zod


5 of 10 Great Villain: The Red Skull, Magneto, Dr. Otto Octavius, Obadiah Stane

Skor? DC 2 vs Marvel 6

source :

Famous mushrooms in China So Key to Fight Obesity

Platinumday - Traditional Chinese medicine widely recognized properties around the world, although only use herbs. Recently, a team of researchers from Taiwan have also found other benefits from a fungus that has long been used in the treatment of Chinese style.


Fungus Ganoderma lucidum question is. In their experiments, the research team claimed to successfully slow down the process of weight gain in mice simply by using this fungus.

First, the researchers divided a few mice into two groups. One group was fed only with a menu that contains high fat. Whereas the other group, were given high fat foods that have been combined with G. lucidum mushroom extract in high doses.

Within two months, the average weight of the first group of mice was 42 grams, but the weight loss in mice that were given at the same fatty foods mushroom extract just stuck at 35 grams.For comparison, researchers fed rats a few others with ordinary food that has been mixed with extract of G. lucidum fungus. It turns out their weight is much lower than the two previous groups.From these experiments, a team of researchers from Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan conclude that by adding mushrooms to the diet of these mice was found to alter the type of bacteria that live in their intestines."It seems this fungus could be used as a kind of prebiotic to lose weight, as well as relieve chronic inflammation and insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes) are often found in those who are obese," concluded the researcher was quoted as saying on the BBC on Thursday (06/25/2015).They also believe that one day, this mushroom extract could be the main alternative to combat obesity, although to get there needs to be carried out experiments on humans.

In China, Ganoderma lucidum, or better known as Ling Zhi is also known as a special supplement anticancer. These mushrooms contain high levels of polysaccharides that supposedly can help the formation of interferon for anticancer and tumors. (Lll / vit)

Source : health.detik 

Recognize Cow Milk Allergy Symptoms Early

Platinumday - Many are mistaken about the difference cow's milk allergy with lactose intolerance. Allergy is a reaction of the body's defense system against factor (protein fraction) contained in milk.

While intolerance is non-allergic reactions are caused by a lack of lactase (the enzyme that digests lactose duty, a type of sugar in milk), so that the handling of the two were different.Some 54% of allergic reactions caused by IgE antibody response against the protein fractions contained in milk and 46% are caused by non-IgE reaction. Allergy is more common in children.Research published by the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition showed cure rates of allergies in children at the age of 1 year is 56%, then 77% at 2 years, 87% at 3 years, 92% at 5 and 10 years of age , and 97% at age 15 years.The child may experience symptoms of milk allergy immediately after taking them (quick reaction) and some other new symptoms appear after a few hours or a few days after the consumption of milk (slow reaction).

 Cow's milk allergy symptoms usually appear diverse, but there are three common symptoms appear. Among others are:

     Symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract is the most common symptom (50-80%),
     Followed by skin symptoms (20-40%), and
     Respiratory tract (4-25%).

Symptoms of rapid reaction to cow's milk allergy appear within minutes or hours after eating cow's milk and is generally caused by IgE antibody responses to milk protein. Symptoms include:

- Stomach ache

- Nausea

- Vomiting

- Shortness of breath or wheezing

- Rash, swelling, itching of the skin

- Diarrhea

Slow reaction to cow's milk allergy is generally caused by IgE antibody response to non hypersensitivity and takes place in a matter of hours or days after consumption of milk. Symptoms include:

- Weight loss

- Stunted growth

- Skin rashes like eczema

- Refusing to eat

- Diarrhea

- Colic belly

- Easily angry and cranky

Children who have cow's milk allergy involves IgE antibodies have a substantial risk of developing allergies to the environment (pollutants, dust, and other).

If your child is allergic to cow's milk, your child should avoid all foods that are made from cow's milk such as cheese, crackers, milk, butter, yogurt, and so on. As an alternative, you can give him soy milk, rice milk, and other vegetable milk to meet the nutritional

 Source : 

Importance of Child Nutrition at 1000 First Day of His Life

PlatinumDay - Children are the future generation who have an important role in the survival of a nation. Although the quantity is much, but if the quality is not good, it will affect the inhibition of the progress of a country. Departing from the awareness of the importance of the young generation as state assets, the government has imposed a Presidential Regulation No. 42 of 2013 concerning the National Movement Acceleration Nutrition Improvement assigned on May 24, 2013.

National Movement Acceleration Improved Nutrition is a joint effort between the government and society to accelerate the improvement of nutrition for children in the first 1,000 days of life. The targets of this work program are:
  •     Society, especially children under two years of age, adolescents, pregnant women, and nursing mothers 
  •  Posyandu cadres such as community, family welfare empowerment, etc.
  • Universities, professional organizations, community organizations, and religious
  • The central government and local governments
  • Mass media
  • Business world
  • Non-governmental organization  
Failure of children to grow optimally in 1000 the first day of life will result in growth disorders later in life. Among the disorders are short and small body, less intelligence, lower body resistance, and metabolic disorders. This will have a negative impact on performance in school, which will then be difficult for him in the world of work. In addition, he will be susceptible to various metabolic disorders, such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, stroke, and others.
Therefore, it is important to provide complete and balanced nutrition for children in the first 1,000 days. The first one thousand days since the fetus begins to form in the womb until he was two years old. In children who had experienced malnutrition, underdevelopment can still be pursued within this time span.
There are several targets to be achieved in 2025 by the National Movement Acceleration Nutrition Improvement. These problems include:

Reducing the proportion of children who fail to grow (stunting) by 40%
- Lowering the number of malnourished children (wasting) of 5%
- Reduce the number of infants with low birth weight by 30%
Ensuring that no increase in the number of children weighing more
Lowering the proportion of women of childbearing age who suffer from anemia
Improve the presentation mothers who exclusively breastfed for six months, at least 50%
Nutrition has a very important role in national development. By holding this government program, is expected to reduce poverty, morbidity, and mortality of children, so as to create a healthy young generation, intelligent, and productive. Let's make it happen together!
Source : 

Fasting Healthy With Diabetasol

PlatinumDay - Diabetes is a disorder in which the body is characterized by high blood glucose levels are chronically. This disorder can cause damage to cells in the human body, especially the blood vessels and nerves. To maintain stable blood sugar levels, diabetics requiring dining setting and appropriate treatment to avoid complications.
In the face of Ramadan which will soon arrive, the question that often arises is diabetes mellitus may I fast?
Goal setting food (diet) right is the key. Diet during Ramadan to prevent hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, keep your weight in order to remain normal, and avoid dehydration. That way, people with diabetes can move as usual.
Two-three days before fasting can be exercise by people with diabetes, which is an effort to adjustment by change of schedule and number of meals. This was done so that the disease does not interfere with diabetes who suffered fasting.
Not unlike the diet on a typical day, the principles of healthy eating for people with diabetes is to follow the pattern of 3J. Ie by calculating the ideal number of calories that should be consumed by the body, it relates to height and usual physical activity. "J" The second is the type of food consumed. Balanced nutritional composition will support a healthy diet. The ideal type of healthy eating are foods that contain 45-65% carbohydrate, 10-20% protein, 20-25% fat as well as vitamins and minerals. The latter is a set schedule for meals in a day. The ideal eating schedule is three large meals interspersed with three small meals including breakfast.
Currently, meal replacement is considered very helpful for diabetics to commit to living a healthy lifestyle. Diabetasol is one solution.
Diabetasol a replacement foods have been proven to be beneficial for diabetics in regulating dietary needs for a day. This product is specially designed with a complete and balanced nutrition, make you easily get nutritional needs in one package.
Under conditions of fasting, you may consume Diabetasol at dawn and a few hours after breaking the fast. However, the main food that you consume daily can not be replaced completely by Diabetasol.
Diabetasol now comes with a variety of flavors and types of products that are more complete, thus simplifying daily dietary adjustments and provide security for people with diabetes.
Welcome fasted with Diabetasol! [] (ADV)

Glad child Beverage Cans Very Potential Obesity!

Not only adults, the problem of obesity in children can also occur. As expressed by dr. Ani Sri Sukmaniah MSc, SpGK, Physician Nutrition Specialist Clinic Department of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in the seminar with the media about the benefits of fasting and Pattern Balanced Nutrition Drink AQUA242 held at Harum Manis, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (3/6).

"Parents should start to introduce to the children about the benefits of drinking mineral water from an early age, for example, when you wake up and go to sleep minimum of one full cup. We must also equally observed prevalence of obesity in children, "said dr. Ani.

One health focus on the problem of obesity in children is related to the high-calorie beverage cans are often found in a variety of flavors that many in the market. In addition to containing preservatives and dyes, such beverages high in calories even exceed other types of beverages, such as carbonated beverages.

"Calorie for children should come from food alone, imagine one can of soda contains 200 to 220 calories a direct impact on the problem of obesity," he explained.

Furthermore, according to dr. Ani, if children have been introduced by all the unhealthy food intake and calorie ringgi early, it will be more difficult to stop and set up the habits. He also presented a number of causes of obesity in children is very complex, such as genetic factors, biological, behavioral and cultural.

Basically, obesity in children occur when children eat more calories than the calories burned by the body is capable of. The reason, less than 1 percent of the problem of obesity is caused by physical problems.

Other triggers are also linked by the amount of sleep a child who may be equally important. Based on a study in the Archives of Disease in Childhood, the researchers found that children who sleep less than the recommended amount at the age of two years are more likely to be obese at age 7 years ahead.

"Parents are the first pioneers for children accustomed to eating calories fitting. If it has already occurred then the first thing that must be done is to change the diet through the program, increase physical activity, do not give food as gifts, "he advised.

Ridho Nugroho
PHOTO: Weightlossfactor
source :

Bar Magician "Smoothini"!!

The close-up magic he's known for wasn't big enough for the stage, at least according to America's Got Talent judge Howard Stern. And, that may have factored into the elimination of Vegas' own Smoothini from the talent competition Wednesday night.
Self-described Ghetto Houdini, Tomas de la Cruz, managed to wow three of the four judges Tuesday night, but still found himself in the bottom three the following evening. He had two chances to pull off a Hail Mary -- one with an audience save and the other as a judges' save. Neither came through for the new dad of twins who took to social media to let fans know he was still holding his head up high:
OK.... can everyone stop with the sorry's!!!! I feel great! AGT was an amazing experience. My audition video is at 14 million! I have the twins waiting. A loving woman. Vegas is dying for me to be back! I have all my #teamSmoothini still showing love. Baby... I won. Just not the million. But I won. Now back to normality. TV is stressful.
Before his national television exposure on NBC's America's Got Talent, Smoothini appeared regularly at PBR Rock Bar on The Strip. You can continue to catch him there now. He's at the Miracle Mile bar most nights from 9 p.m. until 2 a.m. His performances are free, but tips are very much appreciated.
9.6 Update: Smoothini's "Ghetto As Hell" Tour will start in October in Newport Beach, CA and will hit cities across the US, Canada, UK, Japan, Peru and the Dominican Republic. Keep an eye on his Facebook page for more information.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Do not judge, just improve yourself.

PlatinumDay - Review of post instagram @dailymanly 

As a friend, relative or partner is well, of course we want to be a good listener as well. But sometimes we find it to be a listener is not enough. We would like to direct a person to goodness by our glasses, we finally menjudge that someone was wrong. Presumably it could reduce a person's ability to decide what is best for him, because that person could be doing something for the good of our branded (though he was so unhappy). Well certainly stress huh live in such conditions?Well, Vemale will tell you, why we should not quickly judge or someone menjudge. Before you trigger menjudge someone, you should consider several things below.1. Do We Know the whole fact?Anything that allows us to infer something from what we see and hear, perhaps just what you know it is still in a state of raw or incomplete. Maybe we just know the story of one or two people. But before we know clearly the real story, do not rush to conclusions. Save conclusion while in your own mind.2. No figure PerfectWhen someone did something really bad, know that the person has his own reasons. For example in a divorce or infidelity, sometimes we are in a position to be judging people are confused whether it was wrong or not. What is clear, we can only see him as someone who is not perfect and we are equally imperfect with them.3. Position YourselfImagine if we are in a disadvantageous position and the menjudge us without knowing our true reason. Definitely not fun is not it? We are also not possible to make a personal explanation to them one by one. Instead there make tired and raises new questions. So do not rush menjudge someone.4. What You See Is Not Forever TrueBack to point 1, that in fact we do not know the facts behind an incident. So what you see is not necessarily the truth. It could have been just an image. For example in a situation of infidelity. Penyelingkuh not necessarily the one who cheated and are not necessarily the right. Tengsin dong yes if you do not know anything and indiscriminate judge people, eh was misplaced.5. We're All DifferentWe can not menjudge something just because of personal opinion, because basically we are different and we only know what is best for each of our lives. For example in a career. Not because the civil service is guaranteed and that all people should be public servants. There are certain roles that we should use in this world and as long as the work is lawful and is our passion, it never hurts to keep occupied.6. Because We Do not LikeNot because we do not like, it means something is wrong. For example we do not like it when our female friend married to men who are not working. Not that it is wrong anyway, Ladies. We never know how the future of a person, is not it? Stay objective and think that they already know the risks and prepared to take responsibility when they've decided something.7. Restore YourselfJust think when you become them? Think about who you are in their lives? Try also think about whether you will take full responsibility if it turns out suggestions you have for them only made them regret? This is the reason why we should not be arbitrary to judge and let someone decide what is best for them.Everyone is essentially unique. so do not be offended or uncomfortable when someone thinking different from our own. Let's make this distinction means to learn about life.


PlatinumDay - Review of post instagram @dailymanly
Lately many extolling the term work smart. When in fact, if you do not pass the first stage of the hard work, you will not be able to create a process of good work smart, you know.
Remember Pak Joko said Mokoginta bro, CEO of Tiga Pilar Sejahtera (Taro snack brand owners, etc.), "Hard work first and working smart. Do not be reversed through the sequence"

Competition is tight job also requires workers to be professional in the office. Ainy said some perfect solution to become a professional. Here are some ways to look professional at work;


1. Talk to the pointClear and effective communication is very important and makes you more professional than others. In professional life, people rarely talk, but to say something with effective and certainly more appreciated than other employees talkative.
3. Mapping private lifeKeep working life professionally as possible. You should be able to separate the personal and professional lives. Do not let personal feelings interfere with work.4. Focus WorkWhile working, try to avoid personal matters such as paying bills or ordering goods online. Hold yourself to use social media at work.5. Easy goingTo be a professional servant, easy to get along with other co-workers is important. This can make other employees to be friendly to you.Avoid for a group in the office, because it can make you look unprofessional. Remember, in contrast to the school office where you have gangs, and competitors. Moreover, trying familiar with many people in the office can make the work more smoothly.6. Working systematicallyRegular in performing daily tasks is one of the keys to becoming a professional. Do not let the senior or boss reminded about the work to be provided. Work out regularly can make the work completed with ease and without a hitch.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

5 the cause and manner of snoring handle it

PlatinumDay - Snoring is not just to disturb the comfort of sleep a spouse or others around .For people who snore itself , the airway constriction of what happened can be very reduce the quality of sleep .A snoring sound due to the airway narrowing , vibrating and traversed the air during breathing .A narrowing of itself can be stimulated by many things , ranging from obesity to the habit of drinking alcohol to excess .Concluded from various sources , on friday 8 and 5 / 2015 ) , the following is some cause someone often ngorok and how to handle it .

1. Fatness 

one of the main cause snoring is obese .Especially in men , fatness often concentrated around the neck. Heaps of fat in this area make the airway narrowing .To handle it , no other is to lose weight . 

2. Alcohol Addiction 

because it has a relaxing effect, alcohol in reasonable measure may actually be making the bed became more soundly. That wretched, was under the influence of alcohol also makes respiratory muscles too relaxed so that collapse. The blocked airway will vibrate when used for breathing. The solution was to reduce or avoid alcohol. As much as possible not consuming alcohol before bed.

3. Smoking 

according to research , smokers 2 times more risky to ngorok than do not smoke .Poisons contained in cigarette smoke make the walls of the breath experienced irritation , and swollen and stanch the flow of air. The same thing also experienced by passive smokers .The solution is easy , which is stop smoking .

4.A wrong position to lie 

still is the most risky cause ngorok.Grafitasi to the base of the tongue and other networks around the neck and in breathing down the road.The solution, sleep with oblique position.The other way is to put the bags down to make a slightly more open the airway.

5. Mouth open while sleeping 

sleep with the mouth open can also improve risk ngorok.When breathing with nose air enters through channel which indeed ' didesain' not causing turbolensi.Otherwise when breathing with mouth have hit the air passing throat.A kind of special tools many sold to prevent the mouth dropped open when the sleep

The process of selecting a snack a healthy for pregnant women & breast feeding

PlatinumDay - in the middle there are more alternative food products a snack, a mother have to choose a snack careful a healthy for their child, and also for his including also mother in pregnancy and breastfeeding.To be free from worry, a snack food products what can be an option healthy mothers?Not only foods main a snack food is also important attention is paid to the mothers to health the whole family.Many a snack high fat, sugar, and salt so that less healthy consumed.Choose a a snack food like this can be accounted for excess calories but low a value nutrisinya.If it continues unabated, intake of nutrients could it not be tercukupi.For pregnant mothers this may cause a candidate babies take the necessary nutrients required of the body of her mother and so disrupting the health of pregnant mothers.And for students , lack of nutrients can interfere with growth and how things work.

Not only for pregnant women , the mother nursing would have to pay attention to food consumed .Intake of nutrients during lactation important consideration because the process of lactation require a lot of energy and can affect the composition of some nutrients in breastfeeding.

There are many healthy choice that can be consumed by pregnant women and lactation as a snack food and weight , as: fruit and vegetable rich in vitamin and mineral , whole grain rich fiber , meat ( choose the low in fats and rich nuts of protein and iron , as well as low fat milk and products olahannya .Also limit the food that high saturated fat , sugar , and garam5 because the food generally high in calories but low nutrisinya content , 6 .Unfortunately , there would be a moment where pregnant mothers and lactation want to consume a snack other tending to a high sugar , salt and fat .As one of the choice of a snack a healthy and favors , now available tropicana slim alergon free cookies sugar because the use of fruit sugar , free of gluten made use of because of the cassava flour and white rice flour , free of animal proteins like milk and eggs , and free material other allergies trigger ( peas legume , fish , shells , and so forth ) .

Friday, May 8, 2015

Funny comic the fall of boateng at camp nou

PlatinumDay - The defeat of bayern muenchen from barcelona in the semi-final first leg champions league , on thursday 7 may early morning gmt leaving a unique story and funny .The action of jerome boateng who fell after impassable by lionel messi into a burlesque in social media through creative meme made the netizen .The second goal messi in this game that he printed on the minutes ke-80 be the cause .Not his , but the incident before the goal when la pulga boateng through that then the german defender fell down in the field .The former manchester city defender it seemed so easily serviced by messi .Means the fall of was very unique , as if that serviced by the argentine player , boateng fall helpless .

The action of the fall of boateng directly have received a response football lovers the world in social media .Many netizen who makes creative meme to mengolok the fall of boateng impassable when messi .
The following are several comic creative scene the fall of boateng:

Smoking causes disease of gastric acids

PlatinumDay - As already known to everybody, smoking is identical with respiratory problems and lung.However, not many people realize that the bad habit is detrimental to the stomach.Chemical ingredients in cigarettes are very harmful, smoke including carbon monoxide nitrogen oxide ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, nicotine and others.In addition to nicotine increased exposure hydrocarbon, oxygen radical, and other toxic substance are responsible for some cigarettes impact on health.A toxic substance contained in cigarettes to erode the stomach and to the enzyme digestive not working properly, so as to cause a heavy smoker hardship digest food consume.

Smoking can also add a modification of inflammation of which occurs because bacteria helicobacter pylori .Bacteria helicobacter pylori substance is a destroyer of the stomach and duodenum the intestinal wall .In addition , cigarettes also cause weakening the hull of the lower part of the pylorus ( valves that will distribute food to the intestines and stomach acid raising a liquid.

 Not only that, smoke is one factor causing the production of gas and overblown in the stomach.Symptoms are nausea; to be perceived flatulence, and pain though it is never too late to eat.Smoking will also increase the secretion of gastric acid causes disease occurrence or increase the stomach ulcer and may cause peptic ulcers.Healing the gastroduodenal diseases even more difficult for the people don ' t quit.Because of that, smokers who suffered stomach ulcer must stop customs anymore, to recover from an ulcer.


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